Gender, Place & Culture; vol. 30, issue 11, July-December 2023

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Gender, Place & Culture; vol. 30, issue 11, July-December 2023


Contents Include:

Research Articles

Law, space and power: spatiality in the European Court of Human Rights judgments on homosexuality | Iiris Kestilä

Affectual intensities: toward a politics of listening in court ethnography | Sarah Klosterkamp

Migration in the margins: border bureaucracy and barriers to migrants’ rights during Programa Frontera Sur | Alicia Danze

Self-driven women: gendered mobility, employment, and the lift of the driving ban in Saudi Arabia | Inmaculada Macias-Alonso, HaRyung Kim & Alessandra L. González

Guarding border: bodies and dichotomy in gendered control over mobility in a borderland of Bangladesh | Suban Kumar Chowdhury

Performing return: victims, criminals or heroes? Senegalese male returnees engaging with the stigma of deportation |
Karlien Strijbosch, Valentina Mazzucato & Ulrike Brunotte

Dissertation précis

Unpacking the ‘global’ and the ‘intimate’ of anti-terrorism trials | Sarah Klosterkamp

Book Reviews

Decoupling: gender injustice in China’s divorce courts | Jiahao Hu & Guangying Cui

Los feminismos ante el islam: El velo y los cuerpos de las mujeres | Farah Ali


Gender, place and culture: a journal of feminist geography annual international conference award for new and emerging scholars, 2024 | Lena Grip

Call for dissertation précis | Lena Grip


Gender, Place, & Culture




July-December 2023




Gender, Place, & Culture, “Gender, Place & Culture; vol. 30, issue 11, July-December 2023,” Feminist Periodicals, accessed April 28, 2024,

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