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Contents include: Special Symposium Issue: "Meeting the Moment: Legal Frameworks for Feminist Futures"

Contents include: articles on Pink Tax and Other Tropes; Sperm is Still Cheap: Reconsidering the Law's Male-Centric Approach to Embryo Disputes After Thirty Years of Jurisprudence; and more.

YaleJournal vol. 33 no. 2.pdf
Contents include: articles on Sexual Dignity and Rape Law; Sex, Suffrage, and State Constitutional Law: Women's Legal Right to Hold Public Office; and more.

Contents include: articles on color of Covid and gender of Covid, the right to express milk, toward a touchstone theory of anti-racism, and more.

Contents include: articles on Transgender incarceration, queer assimilation, and the law of placenta.

Contents include: articles on crisis pregnancy centers, regulation of cosmetics, safeguarding vulnerable transgender elders, and more.

Contents include: articles on violence, gender and a failed legal response, extending voluntary acknowledgements of parentage to female same-sex couples, paternalism, patriarchy, and infanticide, and more.

Contents include: U Visa's failed promise for survivors of domestic violence, gender identity and expression-based discrimination in the Metro Boston rental housing market, federalism in campus sexual violence, and more.

Contains articles on: nonbinary pronouns in literary history; nature is nonbinary: gender and sexuality in biology education in Chile; a queer ecology reading of symbiosis in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; and more.

Contents include: articles on New Directions in Criticism on Isabella Whitney (fl. 1569-1573)
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