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  • Tags: history

Contents include: Special Issue: Editing Women's Letters Across Europe 1500-1800

Contents include: articles on New Directions in Criticism on Isabella Whitney (fl. 1569-1573)

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Contents include: Special Issue: Spiritualism and the Supernatural, 1870-1925

Contents include: articles on female romantic poetry from 1798 to 1819, part of an Englishwoman's constitution, sartorial subversion, and more.

This is a special issue on suffrage and women's writing

Contains articles on: nonbinary pronouns in literary history; nature is nonbinary: gender and sexuality in biology education in Chile; a queer ecology reading of symbiosis in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine; and more.

Contents include: articles on "Nevertheless, she persisted": Girls, Literature for Girls, and the Politics of Persistence; Science, Women, and the Mother Tongue: Translating Knowledge for 19th-Century Readers; Gender Depiction and Empowerment in…

Contents include: book reviews, subjects ranging from coming of age black in America, a history of foster care, music and theatre, World War I, Modern India, and more.

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Contents include: articles on Archiving, Exhibiting, and Curating the History of Feminisms in the Global 20th Century.
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