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  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 39, no. 4, Fall 2019

Contents include: articles on working class ambivalence and the politics of decline, American feminism, progressive politics in Mississippi, and more.

Contents include: Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza New Scholars Award First Place Co-Winner; curiosity and risk in feminist teaching and scholarship; feminist collaborations across generations, and more.

Contents include articles on: exploring identities and practices of Taiwanese men working in family day care, where are the feminine boys?, masculinizing fatherhood, and more.

Contents include: articles on Jewish lesbians, lesbians in work settings, lesbians and the law, and lesbians and family.

Contents include: articles on abortion laws, farming women in the U.S. antislavery movements, and more.

Contents include: articles on politics and parenting in the 1930s, the New South and lesbian life, book reviews, and more.

Contents include: articles on the politics of recovery, African American print culture, book reviews, and more.

Contents include: articles on the #metoo movement, Jewish activists, and more.
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