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  • Tags: Taiwan

Includes articles on: sexual subjectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic; the persistence and endurance of blood family; on the role of intimate citizenship for transforming sexual subjectivities; and more.

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Contents include: articles on Do Older Female Ex-Prisoners Participate in the Labour Market?; Involvement in the Criminal Justice System and Incarceration among Women and Men Living Homeless in Spain; How Are They Different? An Exploration of Family…

Contents include: articles on Aerial, apparatus, assemblage: Pain, pleasure, kink, and the circus body without organs; Hanging, blowing, slamming and playing: Erotic control and overflow in a digital chemsex scene; Play, secrecy and consent:…

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Contents include: articles on Whiteness, masculinities and radical democracy: mapping four spaces of (dis)appearance; Masculine nations, queer bodies and the in/visibilities of gender; Girls becoming ‘sexy’ on digital spaces: capacities and…

Contents include: articles on Creation of chaste Muslim widows in late imperial Confucian-Islamic cultural encounters; Contesting patriarchy: Employment and gender roles of East Asian middle-class marriage migrants in Taiwan; Resistance through…

Contents include: articles on The “hot Taiwanese girl” persona: The dynamics of politics and femininity in Taiwan; Gender disenfranchisement in Hong Kong churches; The city, PKK leaders, and women’s empowerment; and more.

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Contents include: articles on Refusing Empathy: Queer Racialized Life and Death in Diasporic Performance; Afri-Queer Fugitivity in African Cinema; Comparing the Lives of Gay Men in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China; and more.

Contents include: articles on Abnormal uterine bleeding and associated factors among reproductive age women in Jimma town, Oromia Region, Southwest Ethiopia, Oncofertility care: A qualitative study to understand personal perspectives and barriers in…

Contents include: articles on Fit to Conceive? Representations of Preconception Health in the UK Press, Speaking Out Against Everyday Sexism: Gender and Epistemics in Accusations of "Mansplaining," Looking On The Bright Side: Positivity Discourse,…
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