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  • Tags: Indonesia

Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, vol. 22, no. 1.pdf
Includes articles on: Colonialism and Islamic Reform: Bodies, Minds and Freedom; Women and Law in Seventeenth- Century Mughal India

Includes articles on: the meaning of abuse for young Arab women in Israel; reconceptualizing resilience and vulnerability in liberal feminist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic; gender mainstreaming in Albanian higher education institutions; and…

Contents include: articles on The relationship between women and racial minority employees/managers and financial performance; Female ownership and female directors’ moderating role as corporate governance monitoring mechanisms in increasing the…

Contents include: articles on Medicine meets red feminism: Yi Tǒgyo (1897–1932), a pioneering Korean feminist physician; “I’m not a feminist, but … ”: Hegemonic femininities and women’s autonomy revisited in a Chinese university; An institutional…

Contents include: articles on The “hot Taiwanese girl” persona: The dynamics of politics and femininity in Taiwan; Gender disenfranchisement in Hong Kong churches; The city, PKK leaders, and women’s empowerment; and more.

Contents include: articles on The politics of gender representation and successful ageing in internet pornography; From campus to legislatures: Women’s experience of electoral politics in Indonesia; Resisting biopower for reproductive rights:…

FemTheology 31.1.pdf
Contents include: articles on Fragmented Voices with Guilt and Apologies: Interrogating Narratives on Ordination of Women in Nagaland Churches; Ritual Sequestration, Genital Cutting, and Hierodulic Servitude: A Triad of Feminist Dilemmas; Ministry…

asian journal of women's studies toc.pdf
Contents include: articles on Presidential hairstyles: The politics of women political leaders’ appearance in the Korean media; Female employment and gender gaps in China; Women’s studies degrees as “political”: Some reflections from the Indian…

Contents include: articles on Muslim Marriages: Plurality of Norms and Practices. Guest Editors: Rajnaara C. Akhtar, Mulki Al-Sharmani, and Annelies Moors.
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