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  • Tags: Israel

Contains articles on: gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews in Israel; questions on trans and queer methods in religious studies; archiving religious piety and trans identity; and more.

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Contents include: articles on Clarice and the sweet pea of her sexual desires; Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements; and more

Lilith, vol. 49, no. 1, spring 2024.pdf
Contents on: articles Israeli & Palestinian Novels; Thrifting for Solace; Our Gender Toxic Workplace: What to do?; and more

Includes articles on: the meaning of abuse for young Arab women in Israel; reconceptualizing resilience and vulnerability in liberal feminist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic; gender mainstreaming in Albanian higher education institutions; and…

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Includes articles on: regional geographies of sexual social media; lesbian, bisexual and transgender women's sexual subjectivity in Israeli rural space and periphery; gay/bisexual men and sexual racialization; book reviews; and more.

studies in gender and sexuality 24 4.pdf
Includes articles on: a psychoanalytical approach toward intersectionality, identity, and hegemony; COVID-19 and violence against the LGBTI+ community in favelas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; affective gaslighting and rape culture; and more.

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Contents include articles on: the identity negotiations of Chinese women journalists in the field of digital journalism; female perspectives in the world of advertising; young people's constructions of gender norms and attitudes towards violence…

Feminism and Psychology vol 33 no 4.pdf
Contents include articles on: critical consciousness from a Palestinian feminist, decolonial perspective; refugee women's pregnancy and childbirth experiences in the US; navigating discourses of responsible motherhood in the context of VBAC; and…

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Contents include: articles on Palestinian Feminism in Israel and the Power of Public Urban Space; The Perception of Women in Trabzon Sharīʿa Court Records; Are Women Liable for Blood-Money Payment?; and more.

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Contents include: articles on The Banality of Power: Women's Influence on Emirati Politics c. 1800-present; The Fading of Yearnings for Liberation and Passage When the Bet on Love is Lost: A Study of the Memoirs and Letters of an Arabian Princess;…
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