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  • Tags: Jewish women

Contents include: three prize-winning short stories, Israeli feminism, male policy makers

Contents include: essay on five women caught in the addiction crisis, second wave feminism, reviews, and more.

Contents include: articles on the #metoo movement, Jewish activists, and more.

Contents include: articles on recreational DNA testing and its consequences, the other Jewish women's cancer, abortion, and more.

Contents include: Mahjong: Why This Women's Game Matters, Ethel and Me, The Ten-Month Shiva, and more.

Contents include: articles on Yeshivas, Day Schools, and LGBT Kids; What We Feed Each Other; Three Initiations, and more.

Contents include: articles on abortion on the line, antisemitism on the internet, harassment in the reform movement, and more.

LilithMag, spring 2022.pdf
Contents include: Portraits of Power; After the Fall; Mama Lives On; mother body erasure identity; My Mother, the Imposter; and more.

Lilith 47.2.pdf
Contents include: articles on Abortion at the Intersections of Race, Gender, Religion, and Power; Re-Doing Sex Ed; The Alchemy of Hormones; and more.

Contents include: articles on Sex that's Kosher and Egalitarian; Family Photographs Concealed and Revealed; Freedom from Want; and more.
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