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  • Tags: Women & Language (Journal)

W&L 42.1 ToC w_DOIs.pdf
Contents include articles on: a linguistic analysis of domestic language, protective labor legislation, hair politics through African American language, and more.

42.2 ToC w_ DOIs.pdf
Contents include articles on: linguistic Feminization in the Nineteenth-Century French Press, Oral Histories: Stories from The Farmer’s Wife in Western Illinois, Sermons as Social Interaction: Pulpit Speech, Power, and Gender, and more.

Contents include articles on: performative face in disclosing sexual harassment to close others, voices from the Women's March on Washington, confronting hegemonic discourses of fatherhood, and more.

Contents include: articles on Critical Method and Mental Health: Lessons from Troye Sivan's Blue Neighborhood Trilogy, Revolution is Another Climax, Changing Campus Culture Through Intersectional Language Refore: An Action Research Project, and more.…

Women&Language 45.1.pdf
Contents include: Guilt Avoidance and the Good Mother: How Vaccine Advertising Trades on Parental Identity to Promote a Product; Recognizing Women's Collaborative Environmental Communication at the First World Women's Congress for a Healthy Planet;…

Women&Language 45.2.pdf
Contents include: Discursive Constructions of Women's Sexuality in College Hookup Culture; Women's Hearts, Men's Rights: Reinforcing Patriarchy in Heart Disease Online ; Enacting Rage and Navigating Tensions: U.S. Mothers' Perceptions of the Term;…

women & lang.pdf
Contents include: articles on Feminist Solidarity and the Politics of Care; Menstrual Histories, Reproductive Futures; Exploring the Incel Response to the Dobbs Ruling; and more.

W&L 46.2 Y.pdf
Contents include: articles on Weaponizing Apologia in Response to Me Too: Organizational Silencing in CBS Coverage of Charlie Rose; The Glass Treadmill and the Gender Leadership Gap; Progressively leading the way through social media: The Squad’s…

Contents include: articles on Weaponizing Apologia in Response to Me Too: Organizational Silencing in CBS Coverage of Charlie Rose; Confessions of a Failed Feminist; The Glass Treadmill and the Gender Leadership Gap; and more.
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