Contents include: articles on Becoming Mama-Scholar-Practitioner: My Journey in Higher Education; Exploring Love and Sexuality as the Daughter of a Prostitute; and more
Includes articles on: gendered politics at work and play; new possibilities for higher education in prison; how the art of perception can improve campus investigations and awareness; and more.
Contents include: articles on Mandating Disability Education in Medicine: A Call to Action; Supporting Female Leaders in Higher Education through an Understanding of Psychological Type; Providing Accessible Housing on Campus; and more.
Contents include: articles on Black Women in Athletic Communications; Supporters of Diversity Take to Twitter to Defend Maligned Harvard President Claudine Gay; Supporting Innovation in Teaching and Learning; and more.
Contents include: articles on Women and the Pandemic: International Study Finds Mixed Outcomes, IN HER OWN WORDS: Call It What It Is: Emotional Labor, PROFILE: Exploring the Intersection of Social Identity
and Musical Expression, and more.
Contents include: articles on Research Plays Crucial Role in LGBTQ Activism, Applying Universal Design to Our Workplaces, New Book Explores the Role White Women Play in Perpetuating Racism, and more.
Contents include: articles on PROFILE: Increasing Diversity and Inclusivity in Nursing, PROFILE: Award-Winning Educator Makes Service to Profession, Community a Priority, PROFILE: Researching Gaming and Showing Why Citations Matter, and more.
Contents include: articles on Safe Sisters Program Offers Support to Sorority Members, Women on the Move, Iconic Lesbian Magazine Transitions to a Foundation, and more.