Browse Items (79 total)

  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring 2024

Includes articles on: social work in a post-Dobbs world; narratives on the well-being of sub-Saharan African immigrant daughters; a CRT analysis of racial microaggressions in K-12 schools; and more.

Contents include: Transformation of marriage migrants to diasporic actors and rethinking female agency: Ukrainian women in Türkiye Ayla DENIZ and Ertuğrul Murat ÖZGÜR; Revisiting the concept of women’s political ambitions: A case study of Malaysia…

Bi Women Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 3.pdf
Contents include: articles on Knowing what it would take to be able to bring your whole self comfortably and proudly into these bi+spaces; and more

Contents include: articles on Grounds-Based Distinctions: Contested Starting Points in Equality Law; A Conversation on Feminism, Ableism, and Medical Assistance in Dying; and more

Contents include: Niobe’s Loss: A Warning on Sixteenth-Century Cassoni
Bar Leshem; The Exigencies of Disillusionment in Madame de Maintenon’s Pedagogical Drama
Theresa Varney Kennedy;
A Conjunction of Stars and a Nun’s Horoscope: Sor Francisca de…

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Contents include: articles on Do political quotas work? Gender quotas and women’s political participation in Nepal; When the news reports women: media and the gender gap in political interest; and more

European Journal, vol. 31, no. 1, feb 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Shadowing and gendered fieldwork roles in the Brussels Bubble; Feminist solidarity and hopeful imaginings in the MeToo movement in Iceland; and more

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Contents include: Configuring the digital relationship landscape: a feminist new materialist analysis of a couple relationship app; Pre-problem families: predictive analytics and the future as the present; and more

Feminism & Psychology, vol. 34, no. 1, February 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Examining ideology and agency within intensive motherhood literature; Gender/sex markers, bio/logics, and U.S. identity documents; and more

Feminism & Psychology, vol. 34, no. 2, May 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Examining meaning-making and decolonial resistance in Pakistani women's stories of navigating coloniality and gender; Social work with young women in security emergencies: An autoethnography of epistemic resistance; and…
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