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  • Tags: domestic violence

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Contents include: articles on Bystander experiences of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic; Ambivalent sexism, mental health and partner violence among opposite-sex and same-sex couples; and more

Includes articles on: social work in a post-Dobbs world; narratives on the well-being of sub-Saharan African immigrant daughters; a CRT analysis of racial microaggressions in K-12 schools; and more.

Includes articles on: reforms to Canada's Divorce Act; Jane Doe and the contested right to 'abortion on demand;' feminists, domestic violence, and the paradoxes of rights in India; and more.

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Contains articles on: an exploratory study about the perceived impact of COVID-19 measures on women and men in Ukraine and Belarus; how Argentinian gay men negotiate COVID-19 protocols for hooking-up; politicization of hotel housekeeping in the Las…

Contents include: articles on Researching Men’s Violence Against Women as Feminist Women Researchers: The Tensions We Face; A Complex Relationship: Intimate Partner Violence, Identification With the Aggressor, and Guilt; Motivations and Barriers to…

Contents include: articles on Decision-Making, Violence, Resistance, and Love: Contested and Complicating Narratives of Syrian Marriages; Understanding Intimate Partner Violence: Why Coercive Control Requires a Social and Systemic Entrapment…

Contents include: articles on Rape and social death; Crashing bodies: towards an intersectional assemblage theory of domestic violence; Abolition of the family: the most infamous feminist proposal; and more.

Contents include articles on: sexual harassment and sexual violence in the music industry; the nature of domestic violence experienced by Black and minoritised women and specialist service provision during the COVID-19 pandemic; coercive control…

Contents include articles on: effects of the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme on 'the bad apples'; perceptions of safety and experiences of gender-based violence at UK music festivals; feminism, power, and politics in policing rape research;…

Contents include articles on: the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures on the post-separation experiences of domestic abuse survivors; addressing intimate-partner violence during COVID-19 in the EU; domestic homicide reviews as a source of data; and…
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