Includes articles on: exploring gendered responses to sexual and gender based violence workshops in England and Ireland; women academics' perception and negotiation of work-life domains during the COVID-19 work from home era at an Australian regional…
Includes articles on: gender balance on state boards in Ireland; political representation and intersectionality: perspectives of ethnically/racially minoritized citizens; rethinking transnational feminism in Russia and Serbia; and more.
Contains articles on: exploring the content of gendered stereotypes of the managerial role among undergraduate business students in Ireland; gender diversity of board of directors and shareholders: machine learning exploration during COVID-19; lived…
Contents include: articles on Why Young Women Who Use Opioids Are at Risk for Rape: The Impact of Social Vulnerabilities and Sexually Coercive Drug Using Contexts; Speaking Out on Sexualized Violence Through Artistic Storytelling in Post-conflict…
Contents include: articles on Performing masculinity and the micropolitics of youth cafés in Ireland: an ethnography; Masculinities, spatial dialectics, and discursive strategies: reproducing gender inequalities at home – the case of İzmir;…
Contents include: articles on ‘I would love to do something about it’: young men’s role in addressing violence against women in Ireland; Progress across ecological systems countering intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence; The…
Contents include: articles on Decision-Making, Violence, Resistance, and Love: Contested and Complicating Narratives of Syrian Marriages; Understanding Intimate Partner Violence: Why Coercive Control Requires a Social and Systemic Entrapment…
Contents include: articles on Conceptualizing the multispecies triad: Toward a multispecies intersectionality; Emotional Intimacy and the Black Matrifocal Family in Northeast Brazil; Technologies of protest in Irish abortion activism; and more.
Contents include: articles on Refusing and Redressing Gestational Labor: A Social Reproduction Account of Abortion; Care Workers in English Care Homes: Managing Commodification, Motivations, and Caring Ideals; Gender Essentialism at Work? The Case of…