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  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring 2024

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Contents include: articles on Gender differences in class engagement and disruptive school behaviour: boys’ susceptibility to peers’ motivation culture; Exploring adolescents’ perspectives of single-sex schooling: teetering amongst competing views;…

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Contents include: articles on Clarice and the sweet pea of her sexual desires; Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements; and more

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Contents include: articles on Bystander experiences of domestic violence and abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic; Ambivalent sexism, mental health and partner violence among opposite-sex and same-sex couples; and more

Bi Women Quarterly, vol. 42, no. 3.pdf
Contents include: articles on Knowing what it would take to be able to bring your whole self comfortably and proudly into these bi+spaces; and more

European Journal, vol. 31, no. 1, feb 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Shadowing and gendered fieldwork roles in the Brussels Bubble; Feminist solidarity and hopeful imaginings in the MeToo movement in Iceland; and more

Feminism & Psychology, vol. 34, no. 1, February 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Examining ideology and agency within intensive motherhood literature; Gender/sex markers, bio/logics, and U.S. identity documents; and more

Feminist Criminology, vol. 19, no. 3, July 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Framed as (Un)Victims of Sexual Violence: An Intersectional Model; Transportation Experiences of Rural Women on Probation; and more

Journal of Women's History, vol. 36, no. 2, Summer 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Muslim Women and Educational Reform in the Early-Twentieth-Century Southern Caucasus; Fair Chances: World's Fairs and American Woman Suffrage; and more

Feminist Theory, vol. 25, no. 2, april 2024.pdf
Content includes: articles on Domestic Service and Chilean Literature; Global resource extraction, witchcraft and resistance; and more

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Contents include: articles on Becoming Mama-Scholar-Practitioner: My Journey in Higher Education; Exploring Love and Sexuality as the Daughter of a Prostitute; and more
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