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  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring 2024

Includes articles on: UVA in the era of Shannon Library; let's talk about Title IX; join my mom and me for a coffee; and more.

Gender and Sexuality, vol. 25, no. 1.pdf
Includes articles on: On Being Angry with Psychoanalysis: Uncanny Guilt of Incest Victims; Standing Outside of the Matrix, Cis pathology: Psychoanalysis of CIsgender

Journal of Women of the Middle East and the Islamic World, vol. 22, no. 1.pdf
Includes articles on: Colonialism and Islamic Reform: Bodies, Minds and Freedom; Women and Law in Seventeenth- Century Mughal India

Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gnder Research, vol. 31, no. 4.pdf
Includes articles on: Love Power in the Rear- View Mirror; The Routledge Handbook of the Politics; Making Sense of Sexual Harassment Over Time:

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Include Articles on: The Business of Sport; Women on the Move; Revolutionary Dreaming; and more

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Includes articles on: Ecofeminism and Education; Teaching and Learning Critical Ecofeminism in the graduate classroom; and more

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Contents include: articles on Disabilities and Opioids among Pregnant Women; The Need for Mental Health Promotion Among Pregnant Women

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Contents include: articles on Gender and Leadership Evaluations; Corporate Social Performance and board gender diversity; Indian women engineers on work; and more

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Contents include: articles on Transgressing gendered spaces; Gendered Spaces and Entanglements; Food security and Knowledge Politics
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