Browse Items (79 total)

  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring 2024

Nashim, no. 43, 2024.pdf
Contents include: articles on Jewish Women, Feminism, Gender, Scholarship: Where are we now; Tal Ilan, A Feminist Commentary on the Mishnah: Tractate Pe'ah as an Example of Silencingl; and more

Contents include: poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction written exclusively by women.

Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gnder Research, vol. 31, no. 4.pdf
Includes articles on: Love Power in the Rear- View Mirror; The Routledge Handbook of the Politics; Making Sense of Sexual Harassment Over Time:

Includes articles on: thirty-four years to graduation; on the poetry of Alice Fulton; visions for America in this election year; and more.

Contents include: on the poetry of Andrea Carter Brown; election 2024: discerning truth in an age of disinformation; poetry; and more.

Contains articles on: gay and lesbian Orthodox Jews in Israel; questions on trans and queer methods in religious studies; archiving religious piety and trans identity; and more.

Religion and Gender TOC.pdf
Contents include: Special Issue: Beneath the Surface: Gender and Agency in Religious Contexts in Antiquity, edited by Julietta Steinhauer, Sabine Neumann and Asuman Lätzer-Lasar

Room 47.2.pdf
Contents include: articles on interviews, poetry, art, fiction and more

Contents Include: articles on Introduction: Parenting, polyamory and consensual non-monogamy; Queer Potentials: Negotiations of Gender, parenthood, and family in polyamorous relationships in The Netherlands; Parenthood between project logic and…

Sinister Wisdom.pdf
Contents include: lesbian poetry and fiction
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