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  • Tags: Affilia

Includes articles on: social work in a post-Dobbs world; narratives on the well-being of sub-Saharan African immigrant daughters; a CRT analysis of racial microaggressions in K-12 schools; and more.

Contents include: articles on Abolition and the Welfare State: Implications for Social Welfare; Lone Motherhood, Poverty and the Meaning of Money; Black Women’s Physical, Mental, and Sexual Health in the Criminal
Legal System: Influences of…

Contents include: articles on Epistemic Peerhood in Trans Social Work Research; Resistance as a Foundational Commons: Intersectionality, Transfeminism, and the Future of Critical Feminisms; Fat Liberation: How Social Workers Can Incorporate Fat…

Contents include: articles on (Un)Belonging: The Production of Black Trans Loneliness; Latinas Experiences with Sexual Satisfaction, Pleasure and Desire: An Exploratory Qualitative Study; Taking Care at Work: Gender, Coping, and Anti-Violence Work…

Contents include: articles on First They Came for Critical Race Theory …; Harnessing the Lived Experience of Transgender and Gender Diverse People as Practice Knowledge in Social Work: A Standpoint Analysis; An Epidemic of Virtue: A Review of Social…

affilia_38_1.toc (1).pdf
Contents include: articles on From the Ground up: Revisiting Social Reproduction and the Political Economy of the U.S. Welfare State With Mimi Abramovitz; From Exceptionalism to Relationality: Responding to Mandatory Reporting in Texas Anti-Trans…

Contents include: articles on Moving From Despair to Action; Black M/Otherhood: A Content Analysis Exploring How Black Mothers Are
Represented in Social Work Literature; Female Gender Performativity Around Breastfeeding in Abusive Relationships; and…

Affilia 37.3.pdf
Contents include: articles on Feminism, Social Work, Militarization, and War; Bodies of work: The labour of sex in the digital age; Barriers to Achieving Reproductive Justice for an Indigenous Gulf
Coast Tribe; and more.

Contents include: articles on From Abortion Rights to Reproductive Justice: A Call to Action, Feminist Except for Palestine: Where Are Feminist Social Workers on Palestine?, Examining Social Work Students Knowledge of and Attitudes About Abortion…

Contents include: articles on “I Am Almost a Breadwinner for My Family”: Exploring the Manifestation of Agency in Sex Workers’ Personal and Professional Contexts, “Doing Hope”: Ecofeminist Spirituality Provides Emotional Sustenance to Confront the…
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