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  • Collection: Feminist Periodicals, vol. 44, no. 2, Spring 2024

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Contents include: articles on Obesity, diabetes & women’s health: the perfect storm looming in the horizon; Factors influencing clinical trial participation of women with fibromyalgia across the United States: a cross-sectional survey; and more

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Contents include: articles on Healing Through Activism as the Asian Feminism Critical Race; Making Waves in Academia: Asian/ American Feminist Mentoring as Activism; and more

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Includes articles on: gendered politics at work and play; new possibilities for higher education in prison; how the art of perception can improve campus investigations and awareness; and more.

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Include Articles on: The Business of Sport; Women on the Move; Revolutionary Dreaming; and more

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Contents include: articles on Becoming Mama-Scholar-Practitioner: My Journey in Higher Education; Exploring Love and Sexuality as the Daughter of a Prostitute; and more

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Includes articles on: voices of women in the global south: Tricontinental magazine and the new feminist narrative; tea-shop waitresses, the British press and the women's suffrage movement; the double lives of Chinese migrant women in post-war…

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Contents include: articles on Disabilities and Opioids among Pregnant Women; The Need for Mental Health Promotion Among Pregnant Women

Includes articles on: the meaning of abuse for young Arab women in Israel; reconceptualizing resilience and vulnerability in liberal feminist discourse during the COVID-19 pandemic; gender mainstreaming in Albanian higher education institutions; and…

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Contents include: articles on Clarice and the sweet pea of her sexual desires; Not in the mood for gender and feminism. Exploring affect and expertise through Spanish anti-gender movements; and more
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